I started my last day in Jordan with snorkelling in the red sea and actually did see fishes like the “Nemo” one. Never done that before, it gives you a taste if what diving could be like. It must have been the day when a German tourist got eaten by a shark further down in Egypt. It made the news everywhere.
At breakfast I met Otto, a Hungarian German BMW engineer from Munich who offered me a ride in his rental car to the border. That not only was a great as I had to go from one side to the other side of town and the way to Israel is not what you call well signed.
The border itself was peaceful, quiet and friendly. I was even allowed to take pictures. On the 100m stretch of walking I became James Bond at checkpoint Charlie. A short hand into my pocket and the passports were switched. Security was tight on the Israel side. Every and I mean every piece of my luggage was checked. I think they were bored rather than anything else. Next was passport control which again was young women in Uniform. I was asked if I have a girlfriend. Telling them I am married kind of stopped the fun part. But it was more the missing Jordanian stamp that made me wait for 25 minutes. They know the game but did not say anything. They even followed my wish to put their stamp on a extra paper.
Here I was in Israel and trust me it is a different world. Small town America I call it. Within 100m you are back to McDonalds, Malls, Sushi, Banks, skirts, skin and Milka chocolate. I did go for fast food but I at least choose a Israeli one. Then 3 hours through the dessert along the dead sea. The driver forgot to drop me off but was sorry and helpful about it. He talked to the next army checkpoint and they, stopping every car anyway, just asked the people to take me back to Ein Gedi. A couple did. She was friendly but he seemed not to like giving me a ride. At the youth hostel the guy again was a jerk while the girl was ok. Later I learned it is the way Israelis are. Direct, a bit harsh but supposedly they do not mean it that way. I like to say “perception is the only truth” and here I am writing about 2 unfriendly people. Great modern and clean youth hostel, expensive though (20 Euros for a night in a dorm with 6 beds, breakfast included). Andy, an Italian, was the only one in it. Together we watched the News on the Haifa fire and the world cup going to Russia and Qatar. What, Qatar??????
Early next morning I watched the sun rise and a goat made itself famous. Check it out.
After the goat and a breakfast in which I eat for the whole day (remember, it was included in the price) an Israeli guy and I went to the stony beach of the Dead Sea. Well, it is one of the things you have to do in life. Hard to describe. You do float, you hardly can swim and you better not get any single drop in your mouth or eyes. It is soooooo salty man.
Then I wanted to take a bus to Tel Aviv but a taxi picked me up offering it for almost the bus price. It enabled to be in town before sun set and I could enjoy a nice swim in the Mediterranean sea. Careful readers should have noticed, that within 48 hours I swam in the red, dead and med. sea. Did you? At the hostel I met 2 Germans with who I went for Dinner and a bar till 2am. It is just like going out in Germany only that smoking is allowed. Then I called it the day and that was a good decision …………………….
Climate change extrem: first walrus spotted in dead sea …