It’s about time to add some more of the fun stuff I see and experience on my journey. Following five little stories enjoy:
First: If you like, come and fight for your right.
The Palestinian territory is not really a place you want to spend your life, neither do you have lots of reason to laugh. Poverty, repression, fear and a great lack of freedom is on the daily menu. The more impressed I was to experience the friendliness and hospitality of the people in the West Bank and Ramallah. They really make the best of it and they would never give up on their humour which to a large extent is feed by sarcasm. Besides good marketing and giving people a western world feeling that must have been also the motivation for the owner of the coffee shop below when he designed his name and logo. When talking to a local about it, he smiles at me and comments: “Hey Starbucks, if you like, come to Ramallah and fight for your right, like us.” So I guess fearlessly violating copyrights is one of the few advantages people have here.
Second: Call girls allowed.
Lusaka, the capital of Zambia is not an impressive town, at night you better stay home and when travelling you better watch your pockets and luggage. The attempt of the bus station management to change that is admirable but hilarious as well. Call boys are not allowed!!!! What is that suppose to tell me? That homosexuality is against the law in Zambia is bad enough, but does that mean female prostitutes can freely look for business here??? I also like the “no idle standing”.
Third: Hygiene seems to be the highest good.
Going to the toilet at this very bus station in Lusaka I got scarred. Normally I like to vandalize such places, taking them more or less apart but not before I have spit everywhere I can. It seemed I get punished really hard for it here but then I realized that destroying stuff is half price and spitting costs 4 times less than something I would never do – standing on the toilet.
Fourth: Now that is a burger or what do you think Michael Douglas??.
Entering a small fast food place in Windhoek, Namibia, I had to think of my dear friend Michael Douglas in “Falling Down”. Hey Michael, here you could not have shot anybody, they deliver their promise – old bred and the meat, cheese salad and tomato combined with hate rather than love. Now that is a burger…….
Fifth: The fat can sit.
What separates us humans from animals besides smoking and making war for no reason is also our achievement to live in social communities, supporting one another and helping the weaker rather than letting them die for survival of the fittest. Now, call me a racist or an intolerant person but in my opinion the management of this bus company in Curitiba, Brazil, is taking it a bit far adding obesity to the reserved seat section. Go to McDonalds every day, have your ice cream when watching TV and never ever do sport – it will guarantee you a seat on the bus………………..
Oh yes, enjoy all the food during this long weekend, smile.
Happy Easter everybody.